Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I feel like it should be raining. I remember just where I was two years ago today. As a thank-you for putting up with a lot of crap for a few years, my employer hosted a private screening of the latest Indiana Jones movie for a couple hundred of us. I'd already seen the movie twice, so I left early, but not because I was bored. Someone on my facebook had posted a status update that said "Pray for Kyle's safe return". I sat there through about a half hour of the movie hoping she wasn't talking about who I thought she was talking about, but I couldn't stand it. So I went home and confirmed it. My friend Kyle, who I knew from kindergarten, who was one of the best people I ever knew, was missing, and had last been seen fishing with a friend and the friend's young son on Devil's Lake.

I still drive by there every once in a while, on the way to or from my parents' cabin. It's still a bit unreal to me that he drowned there, although I went to the funeral and I saw his body, his skin tinged grey and so, so unreal. I didn't cry at the funeral, but I'd been crying for days. It was profound, the injustice of his death. The world lost an amazing person. We've all suffered for it since. And I miss him. I hadn't seen him in a year or two before, but running into Kyle was like running into someone you just saw yesterday. He cared about everyone, knew everyone well. Kyle was the popular kid who didn't know he was popular, and wouldn't have cared if he did know. He treated everyone with respect. He was like no one else. And I miss him.

The sun is shining, and it's a beautiful day.

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