Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wow, what a great day! I cleaned the dog room today (and made it back into a human room), I came into some money, and my (future) sister in law found out the sex of her baby. Do good, and good things will happen? I guess, I'm not complaining!

Yoga kicked my ass last night. Because I went to see Pam's new baby last week, and Bailey's birthday two days later, I only got to go to two yoga classes last week and they were both yin classes. Granted, even in the short time I've been taking yin, my flexibility has greatly increased, but it's really not enough to keep a person in shape. I could almost feel my love handles growing back (oh horror). It was really nice to be at last night's class and I was SO pleased to find my seated forward folds are now much more advanced, but I'm really feeling it today. I took the baby on a walk (to 7-11, for a Slurpee) and was limping by the time I got back. Still, I feel great.

I'm also feeling pretty great about the dog room. It is thus called because that's where the dog sleeps, and it is technically a bedroom converted into an office. It has a glass door. So, for a year and a half now I've had to stare at this horrible mess of dog kennel and dog bed and vacuum cleaners and scrapbooking supplies and photo paper and receipts and bills and more and more and more dog hair. And grime. I couldn't believe the line of grime I found on the walls behind the kennel. So I pulled out the kennel (without the puppy, keeping it in the house is pointless, so it's moving into the garage with the '51 Plymouth) and took apart Layton's computer, which doesn't do much besides suck electricity out of the wall at an alarming rate, and probably cause cancer, and dusted and vacuumed and scrubbed and sterilized until the room was presentable again. I hated passing that eyesore daily. I wouldn't say I'm a clean freak...well, ok, maybe a bit. Squallor drives me insane. I cannot live with filth. My aversion to it has gotten worse and worse over the years. Well, I'd rather be a clean freak than the alternative.

Tomorrow is grocery day, which is wonderful because we're nearly out of groceries. The only groceries we seem to have left in the house are the ingredients for this recipe, which I discovered yesterday, and which is what we're having for dinner, when Layton gets back from training.

Ah training. He's got his first tournament coming up this weekend, so he's had to do extra sessions this week. Since I missed so much yoga last week, I didn't want to miss any more if I could avoid it, and thus availed myself to his parents as babysitters last night. When I went to pick the wee one up after class, I was a bit surprised to find that she was not excited to see me. Contrarily, she had her what-the-hell-are-you-doing-here look on. Taking her home did not go over well; she did not want to let go of a sparkly book and screamed bloody murder when it was yanked from her hands (I don't believe in giving kids what they want just because they cry) and then cried all the way to the car, and then as she was being strapped in. She finally stopped when the car started moving and essentially fell asleep the moment I laid her down in her crib. Luckily, she's a creature of habit (luckily for her I mean) and 8:30 was way past her bedtime and she did not regret going to sleep.

After my yin class tomorrow, and groceries, I'm going to buy myself a new lens. I'm so excited about this. I just got a new lens for my birthday, but I've wanted another for a long time as well and can't wait to use it. After that, I'm going to buy myself and my daughter charm bracelets, which will go with the charms Layton got us for Valentine's Day. I've wanted to buy those for a long time as well. After that I'll probably sit in Second Cup with my book and my latte and a bunch of buyer's remorse, because spending money makes me nervous.

And now, I am going to go take a nice hot bath and enjoy some pre-dinner me time and hope tomorrow is as great as today.

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