Wednesday, April 28, 2010

After a month of having a very miserable little girl, I woke up this morning to some relief. It's so nice that she's happy again; it's made this grey day quite beautiful. So I'm very glad. Also, she slept through the night. She nearly never sleeps through the night. Normally she gets up only once, but there are nights when I'm up two or three times with her. A solid night of sleep is such a rare gift, I won't soon forget it.

She had Cheerios and pieces of apple and banana and toast for breakfast. I can't believe how much she eats. We recently switched her from baby formula to whole milk, but I ran out last night so I had to make her a pitcher of formula. It was hard to convince myself that it was ok to switch to cow's milk, since we're so by-the-book with her. I wish I could say I was a really laid-back parent who just rolled with the punches, but that's not really the type of person I am. I'm so protective of her. I'm afraid Layton's worse. I know she's only ten months old now, and these aren't going to be actual concerns for a long time, but I can't even imagine letting her walk to school by herself or putting her on a bus. I hope I loosen up eventually. I'm sure I will.

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