Monday, May 31, 2010

This weekend was great! Layton's tournament was awesome - he came in second in his division! The metal he got is really nice, too. The baby was a little angel for her auntie, too, which was a relief. She used to be so difficult, that I forget sometimes what a good baby she is now, especially outside of home. I think she's a bit shy, so she just behaves when she's away from me. She's not shy with me; she'll always tell me when she's not happy about something. Channing and I picked the baby up after Layton's fight and she was asleep by the time I got her home. She napped for more than two and a half hours, at which time we had to wake her up to take her to her grandparents' house, because we were having a date night. The baby was an angel for her grandparents too, and I missed her a lot but we had a really good date night; we went to see one of Layton's Muay Thai instructors fight, and he won!

My daughter has been sleeping through the night again; she's on to five nights in a row now. When she was around six months old, I was really feeling the pressure to get her to sleep through, but at that point I'd tried everything but letting her cry it out, and I was unwilling to do that, so I just accepted that she'd get up at least once and that I'd just have to deal with it. After that I found out that the majority of babies do not sleep through until they are nine months old, and that I was stressing for no reason. She didn't sleep through at nine months, and by that time I didn't even care. So now, even though she sleeps through most of the time, I am so used to getting up that I wake up several times a night and just lay there. It sucks and I wonder when it will stop. I don't feel bad that she's a bit behind in the sleeping-through thing. She's been on time or ahead for so many other things (she began rolling at 13 weeks) and when it comes down to it, babies will do things in their own time. It's not a baby competition. Now, at 11 and a half months, she may not walk, but she says mom, dad, hi, up and moo. I think that's pretty great.

I went with Bailey and Channing and Rachelle to see the new Sex & the City movie yesterday afternoon. When we first got there, we sat in the third row from the back and were immediately hit by a wall of BO. It seems the older gentleman sitting in front of us didn't deem it necessary to wear deodorant. I insisted we move. The movie was pretty good, though way too long. Way back when I used to watch Sex & the City, I don't think I really noticed what a moron Carrie is. It's only really been bugging me in the movies. Oh well; it's still a lot of fun.

Layton hung curtains for me in the dog room, so it looks really nice. He also did the plumbing and drywalling for my new rainfall showerhead, so hopefully the whole thing will be done in the next couple of weeks. We're so busy during the week that there's really no time, and we're going out to the cabin next weekend. I hope the weather holds up.

I just got season three of Grey's Anatomy, and am dying to watch it, but the baby really enjoys the Golden Girls, so I have to wait til that's over.

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